
Strategic Economic
Development Plan


Goal 1

We will be a preferred destination for business

Strategy: Market available spaces, existing industry clusters, and quality of life

Action: Create targeted marketing messages for corporate, entrepreneur, small businesses, and international audiences

KPI: Generate 5 corporate leads/year

Action: Create a dedicated economic development website with interactive tools containing useful economic development and community attribute information

KPI: Generate X Number of page views/month

Strategy: Provide concierge-level location assistance

Action: Establish a point of contact for assisting businesses with site location, permitting, workforce resources, and city services

KPI: Assist 20 businesses/year

Strategy: Activate a business retention and expansion (BRE) program that provides for capacity building and delivers needed resources

Action: Provide funding for job creation for small businesses to obtain machinery/equipment/services or to transition from home-based to a commercial location

KPI: Assist 10 – 15 businesses/year

Action: Conduct corporate outreach visits with partner economic development/business assistance organizations.

KPI: Visit 20 – 25 businesses/year

Strategy: Support the creation of new small businesses

Action: Deliver training courses to entrepreneurs/start-ups

KPI: 80% completion rate

Action: Provide a business incubator space

Goal 2

We will diversify the city’s economy

Strategy: Attract additional target industries and emerging industries

Action: Market to life sciences, advanced manufacturing, and logistics industries

KPI: Generate 10 leads/year

Action: Initiate local networking events

Strategy: Expand opportunities for women and minority-owned businesses

Action: Deliver training and networking opportunities

KPI: Provide 6 – 8 training opportunities/year
KPI: 10 city businesses/year obtain certification as a Florida Certified Business Enterprise (CBE), Small Business Enterprise (SBE) or minority/women-owned business (MWBE)

Action: Increased participation rate (%) for women and minority-owned contractors in City Projects

Goal 3

We will embrace technology and innovation

Strategy: Build on the SMART City Initiative

Action: Incorporate technology solutions into Miramar’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

KPI: At least 3 projects/year using technology solutions

Strategy: Create an Innovation and Technology Program

Action: Establish an Innovation Hub

Goal 4

We will be a quality-of-life place for different life stages

Strategy: Position Miramar’s cultural, recreational, and entertainment amenities to appeal to residents at different life stages (i.e., kids, young adults, mid-age adults, families, and seniors)

Action: Offer a wide range of options in facilities and programs and update as needed to respond to changing community interests

Strategy: Work with education organizations to deliver a range of learning opportunities

Action: Where feasible, partner with education providers to meet targeted education/training needs

Action: Maintain community technology infrastructure to support provider and student needs

Action: Host education fairs

KPI: Attract 100 – 150 attendees/event
KPI: Attract 20 – 25 education organizations/event

Strategy: Support a transportation network that provides options for moving throughout the community

Action: Provide and maintain a system that meets the needs of different users (vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation)

Strategy: Provide for a wide range of housing options

Action: Where feasible, partner to deliver new affordable housing projects

KPI: Annual Increase in new affordable units

Action: Provide support to maintain older housing stock

KPI: Assist 25 – 30 residents/year

Action: Support creative ideas in the housing marketplace

Strategy: Position Miramar to have a robust employment base

Action: Provide areas suitable for different industry sectors and business types/sizes

Action: Host job fairs for city businesses

KPI: Attract 25 -30 businesses/event
KPI: Attract 100 – 150 attendees/event
Goal 5

We will support a talent base for our businesses

Strategy: Promote the city as a place where students can begin careers or start businesses

Action: Market to schools the city's various industries and job types

Strategy: Use quality of place marketing to appeal to young professionals and remote workers.

Action: Collaborate with the Chamber of Commerce and industries to promote networking opportunities

Strategy: Provide for the needs of remote and hybrid workers

Action: Provide “third spaces” in public and mixed use projects

Strategy: Meet the re-skilling/up-skilling needs of residents

Action: Partner with an area college/university to deliver targeted training/education

Strategy: Advocate career and technical education (CTE) career pathways

Action: Partner with the workforce agency and industries to offer training, internships and apprenticeships.

Goal 6

We will lead in revitalizing the historic area

Strategy: Define a vision to guide redevelopment efforts

Action: Prepare renderings of desired redevelopment concepts for target locations

Strategy: Prioritize redevelopment of the largest parcels in the TOC zoning district

Action: Contact owners of the largest parcels to discuss redevelopment opportunities and the city’s vision

Strategy: Identify anchor institutions and partners for the Innovation Hub concept to spark revitalization efforts

Action: Develop strategic relationships with potential anchor institutions and partners

Strategy: Consider a mobility hub for one or more locations on Miramar Parkway to support greater density and mixed use

Action: Meet with Broward County Transit to discuss options for enhancing public transportation

Action: Apply for Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization Mobility Hub funding

Strategy: Consider land purchasing to actively participate in desired redevelopment

Action: Monitor available properties

Strategy: Promote the area through branding and marketing

Action: Develop a brand for the area

Action: Launch a marketing campaign

Action: Devote a portion of the website to promoting the area

Action: Expand the number of community events held in the area

KPI: Hold at least 2 events in the area each year
